Wednesday, April 25, 2012

3/5- Men are from mars, women are from venus

Of course women already know everything and men have to be taught.  It's how we came into this world, learning everything from a woman.  In all fairness though, women may already know everything but haven't we all forgotten everything already?  Don't we all spend every day relearning what we've forgotten that we know?  So anyways......What was I saying?


Don't be an ant.  Enough said.

3/19- I'm a Lowbrow Reader

Why can't we enjoy some highbrow reading mixed in with the low stuff.  I'm not ashamed to say that I've read War and Peace in the same week as I've read a $2.00 romance paperback ( mostly I just like pirates). And maybe it was more Jane Austen then War and Peace but the premise remains the same!  All literature moves us in some way or form, so why not be able to read the low and the high.  Why even be so elitist as to say that something is low and not high.  How about judging on how fast you want to turn the page, or it's ability to move you out of your head space.  After all, it's unlikely you'd have to reread the same sentence in a dime store romance like you have to in some of these high brows.

3/21- Place of the Muses

In this class today, one of the most intriguing subjects I've ever heard of has been introduced.  I had no notion that the term Museum came from the Muses.  Not a clue.  It totally changes my minds' perspective on these edifices.  Museums have always taken the place of church for me.  They are holy places, where the creation is worshipped.  And these creations have always inspired me, I just never imagined that they were created to inspire.

4/11- Polly wants a cracker

I really enjoyed this bird story.  As everyone will see in my final paper, I am fascinated by all things bird.  Even the ugly birds.  And this story is sort of a Scheherazade tale that had the story telling portion transcribed onto the bird.  Well not sort of, it is.  So what's the use of stories that aren't even true? Well they'll prevent you from eating poisoned food and being ravished by the neigbors.  That's good enough reason for me!

2/6- Daphis and Chloe

My very favorite moment of Daphnis and Chloe:  Of course its the consummation at the end.  I still want to know what trick he used. And here is my favorite image.

3/30- Hey! What's so funny?

Ahh the ecstasy of pure laughter.  That moment where there are no more defenses.  When there is absolutely nothing more you can do.  Except Laugh.
I recently had one of those
moments myself.  Like so many marriages, the time of for better has turned into worse for my own parents.  Every
occasion that involves the family is usually quite stressfull, we are all waiting for that
           upcoming, terrifying
moment when enough is enough and it's over and done with.  And we all walk on eggshells trying not to be the one who opens that doomsday door.  But I credit this very class for teaching me how to laugh.  Now I normally try to avoid spending time with my parents together, but last night was a birthday dinner.  A six course, four hour dinner.  In the past I would have mostly likely drank myself into liver failure at the stress caused by eggshell walking, but something finally broke and all I could do was laugh.  Every argument was hilarious, every uncomfortable moment turned into a chance to giggle.  I survived by laughing.  Definitely a life lesson.